Friday, May 09, 2008

Rhapsodies in Fiber, my Bohemian Collection...

Ok.... it is obvious that the blog has been seriously neglected. But... this is what I have been up to! :)

This was a very large show, this is just a sampling!

This peice "Tidal Creatures" is a wall sculpture (most of my sculptures are), and is about 24" X 14", and is a combo of wet felt, and needle felt, with embellishments.
Tidal Creatures

"Drew" is about 18" X 14", needle felted wool/silk/silver over a sculpted core. (Sold)

"E=mc2" is a blue eyed Einstein and is needle felted wool over scupted core. He's 14" X 10".

I wish you could see this one better. I rarely.... never until this one, frame felt. But it was thin and I almost threw it away. I loved the color though and so it hung around and someone encouraged me to frame it. I found this gold frame and it just made the picture pop. Now it is one of my favorite peices ever. "Kincaid Trees at Sunset"
Kincaid Trees, Fiber Landscape

Another view, a bit closer...
Kincaid Trees II

"Baa Baa Black Sheep," is a large soft scupture. The sheep heads were wet felted from merino, the locks were needle felted on after and the faces then embellished and mounted together. This is large, maybe 2' X 3'
Baa Baa Black Sheep

This is "Blonde Bohemian Girl," needle felted wool, with silk/silver over sculpted core. She is 14" X 10"
Bohemian Girl III

This is a small sculpture. 5" X 8".... "Polynesian Party Girl," needle felted wool, silk, silver over sculpted core.
Polynesian Party Girl III

"Serenity Sister in Greece" is needle felted wool over sculpted core. About 20" X 14"
Serenity Sister in Greece, fiber sculpture

As I said, this is just a wee sampling! It was great fun, and several large peices sold during the opening so I didn't get to photographing them. What was the most fun, was that I took E=mc2 to the opening as a work in progress, so that viewers could see and feel what fiber sculpture is about. Most people have never seen anything like it so it was fun to share. :)

I hope you enjoy!