Friday, July 20, 2007

i have fallen and i can't get up...

my wheel (or spindle as it may be) has fallen out of the race on the tour de fleece! struggle as i may, the gardening is taking more of my time than i can spare. i started a much needed new tote for the upcoming school year (pix to come). but best news yet is that we broke ground for my new studio which will also serve as a guest cottage! whoo hoo!!!!

i am working my way around the gardens trying to figure them out and working on a routine to try and manage it all. i'm counting on next summer being easier, because i will know what is coming where and such. this week pruning roses has taken precedence, along with putting up wire cages around the bases of some of the taller perennials. i also had to tie up the giant dephiniums--they're past 6 feet and leaning in a big way. finding ways to treat aphids and fungus' organically is also on the "to do" list. i got a load of gravel delivered to beef up the paths, can't wait to get that installed and get some mulching delivered. i'm tired just thinking about it. tired of sweating with mosquitoes nailing me every couple minutes. :-P

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